I got my prosthetic. I am having trouble with balance and stamina. I haven’t walked in over a year, been stuck in my wheelchair. I need to work on my stamina and strength. I have been pretty lazy the past few years. I started being really sluggish about January of 2017. I didn’t know why. I felt like crap. I started gaining weight unexpectedly and started feeling so tired. I didn’t find out why until around the end of 2019. I found out I had End Stage Renal Failure. My kidneys were pretty much trash. Even after starting dialysis i felt tired and weak all the time. Turns out that my hemoglobin was in the toilet as well. No matter what we tried we couldn’t get my Hemoglobin up. It stayed in the low sixes and sevens. Finally i had to have my left foot amputated. Lots of complications with that, but one good thing.. My hemoglobin started increasing. Turns out the infection in my foot was causing my low hemoglobin. It is now in the tens and elevens where it should be with my kidney disease, but not I have no stamina due to low activity levels from the last 13 months.
So now I will be working on that as well as teaching myself more coding and getting experience to become a full stack developer and data scientist. I want to get into a lot of coding projects and learn as much as I can while I can. I cannot say these last 10 years have been easy, and while I never gave up, I did slack off, but after losing my mom in December I realize how short life can be and how we need to do the things we and want and love while we can. Hopefully I will get off my ass and begin to do more with my life like I used too. Start doing the things I love and spending time with those I care about.
Here is to the future, the future I have left with all the people that care about and I care about back. Plus I have to take care of my mom’s cats. So anyone reading this want a nice cat and will take car of it…let me know!